Flowmap 2018
Visualize the movement of birds over one night.
Bird Migration Modelling is my current research project. I model the spatio-temporal patterns of nocturnal bird migration using weather radars. On this website, you'll find different types of resources related to this project:
Visualize the movement of birds over one night.
Visualize bird migration over a year with this animated map.
For each weather radar, explore the vertical profile time series of bird densities.
On this interactive map, visualize the number and movement of birds and explore time series of bird densities for specific locations, area or transects.
Nussbaumer, R., Dokter, M. A.
28th International Ornithological Congress 2022
Nussbaumer, R., Schmid, B., Bauer, S., Liechti, F..
Ecology and Evolution. 2022. 12, e9146.
Nussbaumer, R., Bauer, S., Benoit, L., Mariethoz, G., Liechti, F., Schmid, B.
J. R. Soc. Interface. 2021. 18:2021019. 420210194.
Nussbaumer, R., Schmid, B., Bauer, S., Liechti, F.
Remote Sensing. 2021(10)13.
Nussbaumer, R., Schmid, B., Liechti, F.
Colloque Migration 2020. Ligue de la Protection des Oiseaux (LPO)
Nussbaumer, R., Benoit, L., Mariethoz, G., Liechti, F., Bauer, S., Schmid, B.
Remote Sensing 2019(11)2233.
Nussbaumer, R., Benoit, L., Mariethoz, G., Liechti, F., Schmid, B.
BOU 2019, Warwick.
Schmid, B., Nussbaumer, R., Schmid, H.,
Feb. 2019, EuroBirdPortal.